Effects of fat content and preheat treatment on the apparent viscosity of coconut milk after homogenization = ผลของปริมาณไขมันและการให้ความร้อนเบื้องต้นต่อความหนืดปรากฏของน้ำกะทิหลังผ่านการโฮโมจีไนส์


ธิติมา เปี่ยมประสาธน์


วิทยานิพนธ์. (2004) 63 หน้า



This research aimed to study the effect of fat content (15-30 percent) and preheat temperature (70-90?C) on the apparent viscosity of coconut milk after homogenization. By using a power-law model, all samples exhibited pseudoplastic behavior with the flow behavior index (n) between 0.713 and 0.930. Overall, the results showed that preheat treatment had a significant effect on the apparent viscosity of coconut milk. At similar fat concentration, a11 increase in viscosity was observed at higher preheat temperatures. This phenomenon was more pronounced in the samples with increasing fat contents. The microscopic study indicated that more uniform distribution of fat globule were observed at high temperatures, resulted in an increasing of apparent viscosity of coconut milk